Monday 23 April 2012

Who Killed the Electric Car?

·       California has the worst air quality in the states
·       This has debilitating effects of the human population such as
-        Asthmas
-        Cancer
-        Lung leisure
·       EV1 first modern electric car from a major car production company
·       Oil companies fought the electric car movement
·       The Californian state government passed legislation that car companies must comply with reducing gas emissions or they could not sell their cars in the state
·       California adjusted the mandate
·       Federal state decided to fund the research of hydrogen technology
·       In 2003 California killed its electric car mandate
·       EV1 were pulled off the road and crushed, even though they were in perfect condition
·       Tax payers money is not being spent to prepare for the future
·       Oil imports in 1977 – 8.8 million barrels per day
·       Oil imports in 2005 – 13.5 million barrels per day
·       Hydrogen fuel cell car:
-        Current fuel cell car costs $1 million
-        Not enough room for hydrogen fuel
-        Hydrogen is expensive
-        Need fuelling infrastructure
-        Competing technologies must NOT improve

     I learnt a lot from watching "Who killed the electric car". My original perception of the electric cars, that they weren't as good as fuel cars and had limited capacities, was exactly like the consumers of california. After watching this film, I would definitely prefer to be driving an electric car. I think it was horrible to the californian state government to go through building all the infrastructure for electric cars to then completely change their mind due to pressure from car companies. I disliked the fact that consumers couldn't keep these cars, they were in perfect condition and they were not hurting anyone. I believe they wanted to hide all evidence that there was a need for these cars. People couldn't be reminded of this if they couldn't see them on the road. My three take home messages are as follows:
1. Cars need to be designed with the environment in mind, we are damaging our environment and habitat if we ignore the need
2. There is so much new technology out there that can be used but no one wants to fight the oil companies because they have so much power
3.  Politicians and other power authorities need to do their job properly.

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